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Expert Vision Correction with SMILE Eye Surgery

What is SMILE?

Only performed at select, premier laser eye surgery clinics across the North America, this is the newest and most recent innovation in laser vision correction; In other words, it is the world’s best laser vision correction technique and technology.

The entire idea which conceptualized SMILE is based on how to make laser procedures that exist today, such as LASIK and PRK/LASEK, even safer and easier to recover from. This technique is not only as effective and predictable but also provides a safety and stability that is superior to earlier forms of lasersurgery. it is free from flap related complications possible with other forms of LASIK. The cornea is biomechanically stronger after ReLEx SMILE as the incision made on the cornea is 80% smaller than the flap cut made during conventional LASIK. It also reduces/eliminates the common dry eye condition after PRK/LASEK/LASIK. In effect, it combines the advantages of older PRK/LASEK/LASIK and reduces/eliminates their shortcomings/side effects.

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Benefits of SMILE

SMILE is a minimally invasive Laser Vision Correction procedure for myopia correction. During SMILE eye surgery, a lenticule is created inside the cornea using the ZEISS VisuMax femtosecond laser. Subsequently, the lenticule is extracted through a small incision, thereby achieving the desired vision correction.

SMILE is one of the gentler vision correction procedures available. The treatment is so comfortable that most people say they feel nothing at all, and they consistently describe SMILE as painless and comfortable both during and after the procedure.

SMILE is a Fast Healing procedure. While overall visual recovery closely parallels LASIK, the minimally invasive nature of SMILE may enable more rapid resumption of regular activities.

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Fast Healing
With SMILE, full visual recovery can normally occur within just a few days following your surgery.

Day 1: Return to Work





1 Week: Vision Stabilized

Find Out if SMILE is Right For You

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The Surgery

Step 1:
Numbing the Eye

To reduce pain during the surgery, anesthesia drops are given to numb the eye. An eyelid holder is used to prevent the eye from blinking during surgery.

Step 2:
Creating the Lenticule and the Incision

After the eye is numb, it needs to be immobilized for the surgery. This is done with a contact glass which is placed gently on the eye and connected to the laser device. A slight pressure may be felt when this occurs. Once the eye is held stationary, the laser creates a lenticule within the stroma, an inner sub-layer of the cornea, and creates an access incision on the corneal surface that is less than 4mm wide.

Step 3:
Removing the Lenticule

The surgeon removes the lenticule through the laser-generated small incision.

Step 4:
Refractive Error Corrected

Removing the lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, correcting the refractive error. The incision is so small that it will seal itself after some time.

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After SMILE, how long does it take before I can see properly without glasses or contact lenses and return to my normal routine?

The healing process can differ for every patient. In most cases visual acuity is very good one or two days after the procedure and stabilizes within one week. After SMILE, the majority of patients are able to drive, work, and participate in sports without glasses or contact lenses, just a few days following treatment.

My eye doctor has never heard of SMILE. Is this not a popular procedure?

SMILE is the latest advancement of Laser Vision Correction and has been available since 2011. Its technique is known and recognized by medical trade associations related to refractive laser eye surgeries. The familiarity of SMILE continues to grow, but this is taking some time, especially among general ophthalmologists. Over 1,000 surgeons have already successfully treated more than 750,000 eyes with SMILE.

Is SMILE a proven procedure?

Femtosecond laser technology is clinically proven and has been used for LASIK as well as in cataract surgery. SMILE is the latest procedure developed using this laser technology. SMILE has been performed in controlled clinical studies since 2007 and has been commercially available since 2011. The first SMILE-patients have been monitored for over five years post-treatment. SMILE is now established in many countries worldwide.

What are alternatives to SMILE if I am not a candidate?

PRK is a no flap treatment where the top the top layer of the cornea (epithelium) is removed manually. The exposed deeper layers of the cornea are then reshaped using an excimer laser. PRK procedures have a longer healing time and involve some discomfort until reaching the final stabilized vision result. The stabilization of visual acuity also takes more time. 

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Take the SMILE Self-Test

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6427 Bowness Road NW
Calgary, AB T3B 0E6

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4PM
Friday 8 AM - 12:30 PM